
Hi everyone! This is Mana from the cast! I am so glad to be in that space where magic happens again today :) So... What would your “character” be like? Characterizing ourselves in the cake drawing and naming activity was such an eye opening experience wasn’t it?

Theater, I believe, is the place where both performers and the audience can see themselves objectively. Watching live performing arts and being in that space and moments allow us to get the idea that what we see and think is not everything on this planet.

I went to the lecture about the process of making stages by the Japanese director
Kyoichi Itagaki tonight and there are something I would like to share with you all.

So he said...Theater is the way of empathizing and resonating through make-believes. His principal idea is that, what we see on stage is visualized images and an extreme form of our inner thoughts and emotions. It’s unreal but terribly real. We see part of us that we really don’t want to face but somehow curious to know about in it. Hmm...interesting.

I think The Wiz is the perfect stage for the audience (and for us too!) to reflect them(our)selves to as there are various characters with their own struggles and beliefs. I think the combination of
1. Magical and surreal stuffs that happen in the land of Oz and
2. Wishes of each characters with which we all can totally resonate
makes the play humane and fantastic at the same time.

So how do you see yourselves in each character and in the whole journey on the yellow brick road??

Can’t wait to think, realize, and grow with you all💕 See you tomorrow:)




今夜 、演出家の板垣恭一さんの「芝居が立ち上がるまで」というレクチャーを聴きに行ったのですが、そこで聴いたことでぜひ皆さんと共有したいことがあります!


The Wizにはそれぞれの悩みや信念を持ったキャラクターがたくさん出てくるので、お客さんも私たちもさまざまな形で共感できるお話ではないかと思います! そして、Ozで起こる現実離れしてファンタジーな魔法と、キャラクターそれぞれの共感できる性格との絶妙な組み合わせはまさに“非現実的かつ現実的”の顕著な例だと思います!

みなさんはThe Wizの個性豊かな仲間たち、またYellow Brock Roadをたどる旅の中にどのような自分が見えますか?


Love you all and sweet dreams xx
Mana Seike
清家 愛