
Hello! It is Yunana of Ma&CosAnother week to the real production!I miss when I think that MP Life will end in a week after coming in February. In April, I’m busy because of the school have started,and I am often tired again, but the moment…

9 days left!!

こんにちは!キャストのあまねです! 前回ブログを書かせていただいたのがキックオフで、今日はもう残りの練習日が9日という日になります。時間が経つのが早すぎてびっくりします…! 今回は私がこのMPを通して感じたことをお話ししようと思います。長くなり…

Heeey! everyone!! I'm Hal from Cast! I can't believe it...We have only 7days by Load in...and gradually close to the end of MP life. Maybe this is the last time to write blog to me... So I want to write personal things. In the future I wan…

Do you believe in ghosts?

Can you add self introduction?Hello!!! I’m MK or Kato, whatever... from Seppy. 私はせっぴーの加藤と申します。長々と考えてることを書いてしまって、申し訳ない… Aren’t you guys too busy? I think audiences, most of which are our friends, also a…

Time flies! I really hope the ending won't come:'(These days we are separated in each section and concentrate on each job. Today lighting section made cue sheet for the performance :D I'm super looking forward to seeing everyone shining o…

4/18 costume party

Hi!!! I'm Shiori from lighting!!Today we did costume paradeIt was very good time and costume! I hope that everyone in the cast wants to cherish the costume and respect ma& cos!There is only 10 more rehearsals to performance. I want everyon…


Dance Dance Dance!!!!

Hello everybody I'm ayane from cast section~! In today's rehearsal, we brushed up each dance choreography. As you know , in musical we have some kind of dance to express explosion of emotion . It's essential of musical. Sorry to so many E …

Hi!! I'm Kaco from macos member:)❤︎ As macos I have cut the remaining 10 days until the costume is completed! Although the school began, members face each sewing machine every day with thought on each costume. It took me two months since t…

for performance day~

Hello! It’s Rina from Sound section. Life in MP is super exciting and fun for me and I’m already ready to miss these MP life Especially it’s so sad that I won’t see noisy sound members who are with me everyday after MP is overSince we have…


HI! I'm Yayoi from Macos.Macos members start to make costumes and decide make-up and hair plan. Because I have never done these things, I am stimulated by everything✨. From beginning to MP life as one of the Macos members, I become to be a…

【Moment by moment, feeling by feeling】

Hey everyone, how’s your journey in the land of Oz going? I suppose that the last few days have been full of struggles, conflicts, and loneliness for many of you in your own way. I have been wondering why I always somehow can feel like MP …


Hi~~I'm Mayuko from cast. Today is the first day of April!!!Waaaaaahhhhhh!!!! So I'm gonna write what I thought! Since beginning of MP18, we are doing various workshop and discussion. And I learned the new idea or way of using brain. Then …

3/31 the last day of March!!Run through (Act1)

I can’t believe it is the last day of March already...it become April from tomorrow !Hi! I’m Yuko from cast. Today, we met LM people for the first time in a while and did Rh together. Additionally I felt setting of setting and property sec…