2/24 Home=MP18

Hi! I’m Sumi from the Cast :)

In three days, I think everyone had deepen their thoughts on our musical “The wiz”. We’ve not only acted or played the scene, but also had deep discussion on the theme and message that this musical wanted to deliver to the audience. Home is one of the essential theme for this musical. It was difficult to define home or even express what home is through our mind and body. Is home related to place? Or relationship with others? What are the things that is important to home? I was curious to know what everyone was think about these questions.
Moreover, I was surprised that people were sharing their personal inner thoughts to 100 of people even though we’ve known each other for only three days. In that sense, MP is greatest place to find your home no matter who you are or English skills. Our love to musical and ourselves unites us strongly each and every day. Personally, I really liked the question one of our member asked: “Why did Dorothy wanted to go back to her home even she already had her friends and home in the OZ? My answer to that is “JOURNEY”. “The Wiz” is about Dorothy's journey to go back her home with her peculiar and adorable friends. Even before at the kansas, she was looking for her real home where her parents are. Home is places which people feel safe and comfortable. With that being said, it is not necessary to stay at one place. Because no matter where you are, what you are doing, home is home to you in your heart.
-”In some senses, EVERYONE is on Journeys to somewhere. Therefore, the conflicts and joy expressed in the journey of “The Wiz” is relatable to ANYONE” - me ;)))))

Thus, I think this is why people love “The Wiz”.

この三日間、私達一人一人のメンバーがTHE WIZについて考えを深められたと思う。演劇として演技指導だけでなく、このミュージカルが何を言いたいのか、テーマは何か、などの議論も盛んにできた。HOMEは私達の議論の中でも重要なテーマである。HOMEとは何か、どうしたら体や心で表現できるか、たくさん研究している。HOMEは場所であるか?ヒトなのか?HOMEには何があるのか?そんなことを話す仲間の意見を聞くのが私はとても楽しかった。
私は仲間がシェアした意見が非常に印象に残っている。ドロシーは友達もHOMEもあるOZに残ることもできたのに、なぜカンザスに戻ろうとしたのか? その答えはJOURNEYがキーワードであると思う。このミュージカルはドロシーが奇妙で愛らしい仲間と一緒に家に帰る(journey)話である。しかし、ドロシーはカンザスでも両親の元に行きたい、と自分の居場所を探していた。HOMEはその人が安心していられる場所であると考える。だから、その場所がどこであるか、見つけたらずっとそこにいなくてはいけない必要もない。自分の心の中でHOMEを思い描き続けられれば、自分がいる場所や何をしているかなんて関係ないと、この三日間を通じて考えた。

『誰しもみんな、どこかへのJOURNEYへ向かう最中にいる。だから、THE WIZで描かれる喜びや葛藤によって、この作品はすべての人が共感できる。』ー私

だから、THE WIZはこんなにたくさんの人から愛されるのだと思う。

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