2/24 3rd Joint Rehearsal&Welcome Party🎈👯

Hiii!!! I'm Bekko, and I am a Cast member!

Today we had 3rd Joint Rehearsal, which was the last one of this weeeek!
We practiced the curtain call first, and I felt that we were being united more and more through three days:)
Then we divided into groups, read some part of the script, and each group expressed the scenes by mainly acting/moving. It was awesome because in this workshop, we had to understand not only the script but also the background of the scenes, and also had to cooperate with other members to create each scene. It was hard but so exciting😆
AND we had Welcome Party tonight🎊Of cource it was a lot of fun, and I chatted with many members who I could not speak in the rehearsals!! I truly enjoyed myself💚

Through these three days, I really found out how important it is to feel and respect others when communicating with each other.
Maki taught us the importance of "Respecting and accepting others", which now I think is necessary for us to be as one!
I cannot believe that we met only two days ago😳So happy to meet all of you✨
Looking forward to the next rehearsal!
With love❤

