Ease on down

Hello world!! I’m Mikura from cast section:)
Today, we had a final Joint rehearsal(JRh). Time flies... now I want to share what I thought through today’s JRh.
So, at every morning in JRh, all member of MP’18 made a circle and took an attendance together.
That time is one of my favorite time, because it reminds me that any struggles that I faced is worth it, and these experiences led me to join this wonderful company.
And I realized the importance of stepping forward . Walk is simple move, but sometimes it’s hard to keep moving. I have friends who encourage and lead me to overcome. Because of their support, I can step forward again and without any steps, I never would have known that I have amazing friends like that.
However, the stakes are high, my steps are not enough to get there. I’ll keep on trying and trying and trying. Thank you for reading this. Love, Mikura

こんにちは キャストとしてMP18に関わっています、みくらです〜 今日最後のジョイントリハーサルを終えました。時間が経つのはあっという間です。今から今日感じたこと、考えたことを書きます。