2/27 How to make “HOME” in Tokyo, 2018


My name is Fuku, sound section.
Today is 5th JRh day, and for the first time in Kyodo.

The most impressive thing in today's task is "expressing some parts of music with the body" (not the whole). MP has such a lot of tasks and I have experienced like "making cakes that show your inner and outer surfaces" and "expressing various color images". Of course, there are few or no people who have experienced such tasks so far and, honestly, sometimes I think “what am I doing?”.

However, the good thing about MP is that everyone seriously tackle such tasks, the other members try to understand, and admit with full power. There was not a "black or white" world that I knew until now, but was a very warm world that mutually admit each other.

If I call the place where I can be myself "HOME", I wonder many "HOME" will be born in this world admit each other. And I'm happy if I could be one of them.


こんにちは!! サウンドのFukuです。