
Hi~~! I'm yu-min from cast!!

From the moment I decided to join MP18, we have so many opportunities to think about “home”. Actually, I get lost. In my definition of home, home is the place where someone needs me and someone loves me. I couldn’t find such a place even if someone is my family.
I’m not sure that I can find my “Home”, but I want to try to be the person that someone needs or loves.

By the way..!!! Today, I could know who is the incharge of me!! In MP17, I felt happy when my incharge trusted me and appreciated me. I will never forget feelings of gratitude!!

Thank you for reading!!
Bye~~~✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

はい〜キャストのゆーみんでございます( ᐛ )

MP18 The Wizに参加するにあたって、"Home"について考える機会が沢山ありました。でも改めて考えてみると、「あれっ..私にHomeなんてあるのかな..?」、「家すら"Home"では無いのかも」など、新たな発見といいますか、振り出しに戻るといいますか...


バイ〜✌︎('ω'✌︎ )