
Hello everyone!!
I’m Rin-chan from cast.
Today was the Rh just a day before the camp and it was fulfilling time for us.

Today,Ms.Narahashi came the Rh and we had a meaningful time.
Her words make a opportunity to reconsider the way I wanted to go, and what is MP for me .
Then, when I told her what I pushed and killed in my mind, I thought it was impossible for me to do, but I can’t stop thinking about that, she said to me “Believe in yourself. And keep on going the way.” I couldn’t stop crying.
The fears, anxiety, distress came out of my eyes as a tears.
It was the day, I strongly felt no matter who said to me about myself, this is me and be proud of myself and keep making an effort.

Through today’s stumble through, I found improvement points and I thought my understanding of my role and other character were not enough and it was painful to not be able to react some other character’s acting.
I’d like to exchange opinion with other members and keep trying to make my best way to act as a Lion.


今日は奈良橋さんがスタジオに来てくださりとても有意義な時間を過ごすことができました。 奈良橋さんからの言葉は、これから僕が歩もうとしている道や、自分にとってMPとは何かについて考え直すきっかけとなりました。
