Thank you Kyodo and all of you

Hi. I'm Suzu from Cast section.


Good job everyone everyday!


I'm sooo happy that every sections try to do our best these days. 


Casts have a lot of memories for each song and each scene.  I feel that we grow through challenges and troubles. 


Also, I just want to say thank you to everyone including every sections and heads members. I know after I leave Kyodo, so many people are still working everyday. I feel that we are making one thing together. 


I have a goal since the first day of MP life. It is to be a presenter to tell the audiences all sections' works. 


Remember we always support Each OTHER. Enjoy these few more precious moments together.




Lots of love,





















Can you believe in yourself?How can we believe in ourselves?

It is difficult for you to believe in yourself on your own.




Though MP and story of 「The Wiz」, I learned importantance of believeing in myself.

MPを通して、そして「The Wiz」の物語を通して学んだことは、自分を信じることの大切さでした。


Before joining MP18, I didn't have any confidence for myself, especially dancing. Even though I have been taken lessons for 11 years,  I lost my confidence completely because my carrier was refused by one teacher. However, words by members of MP gave me a confidence. I thought English is easy to convey in my mind directly compared with Japanese. That's why these words touched my heart. How these words were encouraging for me…when someone said to me  「I love your dance!」I really appropriate for all members.By being accept by members, I could believe in myself because I could have confidence not only dancing but also for myself.




しかし、MPのみんなの言葉が、わたしに自信をつけてくれました。英語というのは遠まわしに伝えるのが美とされる日本語と違って、ダイレクトに心に伝わりやすいとわたしは思います。だからこそひねくれたわたしの心にスッと染み込んだのです。「I love your dance」「Your dance is cool!」と何気なく言ってもらえることが、どれだけの励みになったでしょうか…。MPのメンバーのみんなには心から感謝しています。みんなに受け入れてもらえたことによって、ダンスのみならず自分自身への自信を取り戻し、自分を信じられるようになりました。


In short, all you need to believe in yourself is to have confidence for yourself. Magicof being able to that is words by someone. If you can get confidence by other's words, you can believe in yourself. 「Believe in yourself」means to realize ability which you already have and to be positive like 「I can do it!」


In this performance, 「The Wiz」, two characters will sing in a different way. Yesterday, in the last run though, I was impressed by both songs. I hope all audience will  get messages from these songs.

今回の「The wiz」の中では、「Believe in yourself」を2人の登場人物が異なるアプローチで歌います。昨日の最後の通し稽古では、ひとりのときは袖から見ながら、もうひとりのときは隣で踊りながら、思わず目頭が熱くなりました。物語の鍵を握る「Believe in yourself」がお客様の心にも届きますように。


A month ago, when Yoko Narahashi who is superviser in MP came to rehearsal, I asked my personal things.「I have a dream, but it is too big for me so I don't know what I can and I should…」My dream is to make Japanese entertainment like musical and dance accessible amusement to more people. I believe experience in the theatre have wonderful power, for example, make people's life in the modern stressful society richer and make a person's life change dramatically. That's why I joined MP18 to find the way to realize this dream.1ヶ月前、総監督の奈良橋陽子さんが稽古場にお越しくださった際、わたしはこんなことを尋ねました。「わたしには夢があります。それはわたしにとって大きすぎて、わたしに出来ることはなにか、わからない…」She said to me with smiling, 「Keep on going. Believe in yourself.」After that, I met many friends who agree with my idea and have similar opinion. By these words by friends and Yoko-san, I could have confidence to realize dream. That's why I can step forward for performance day.わたしの夢とは、日本のエンターテインメント、特にミュージカルやダンスなどの劇場体験を、より多くの人にとって身近な娯楽にすること。劇場体験には、人ひとりの人生をも変えてしまうような、ストレス社会で生きる現代人に癒しを与えるような、素晴らしいパワーが秘められていると信じています。だからこそ、この大きな夢を叶えるための道を見つけたくて、MPに入りました。声を詰まらせたわたしに、陽子さんはこう優しく言ってくれたのです。「やり続けるのみ。自分を信じて。」この話のあと、わたしの考えに賛同してくれる仲間が何人も話しかけてくれました。MPを通して、同じような夢をもった仲間に出会うことができたことを誇りに思います。この仲間たちからの言葉によって、陽子さんからの優しい悟りによって、自分の夢に自信を持つことができました。だから、いま、わたしは自分を信じて本番まで突き進むことができます。


Maki-san, directer of  MP18, told that「Acting is always alive.」That's why the character on the stage reflect the history of acter's trueself. I think watching performance in the theatre make audience touch their heart because audience can share time and space with others directly Certainly, not only acters on the stage, but also all staff members. For example, one light, one sound effects,  one harmony and one pamphlet, each moment has spirits and the things which all each 105 members have been doing in their life.For all audience,  I hope we will deliver our sprits of students who canbelieve in ourselves and forward goals.  Also I hope you can find the way to believe in yourself though this performance.We will do our best until performance day!!

お稽古を通して、わたしたちに自分を信じることの大切さを教えてくれたまきさんはこう仰ってました。「演劇は常に生きている」と。生きているからこそ、その人自身の人生が刻まれた年輪がその役に投影されるのです。それを肌で感じることができるからこそ、劇場でダンスやミュージカルを観ることはひとの心をうつのだとMPを通して改めてわかりました。 YouTubeや映画のように画面を通してではなく、劇場という空間をダイレクトに共有するからこそなし得る、劇場体験にしかない魅力だと思います。もちろん舞台上でお客様の前に立っている人たちだけの話ではありません。たとえばひとつひとつのスポットライトにもひとつの効果音にもひとつひとつの衣装にもひとつの曲の旋律ひとつでも1枚のパンフレットにも、その一瞬一瞬に大学生105人の魂と人生の軌跡が刻まれています。御来場くださるすべての皆さんの心に、自分を信じて三ヵ月突き進んだ大学生105人の魂が届きますように。



Thank you for reading at last. I appropriate effects which all members make. 

from Yumiko, Cast.


MPに関わってくださっている全ての皆様に感謝と愛をこめて キャストのゆみこより

Hello! It is Yunana of Ma&Cos💄💗
Another week to the real production!
I miss when I think that MP Life will end in a week after coming in February. 😢😢
In April, I’m busy because of the school have started,and I am often tired again, but the moment I opened the Ma&Cos Room, everyone greeted and I am always getting better! Today, I felt depressed with my friends, but I felt well when I was with everyone of Ma&Cos!!
The members of Ma&Cos taught me a lot of important things. To cherish the importance of people, to rely on someone when in trouble, to share happiness, always to express appreciation. There are many others.
Initially I was very worried that he was a member of Ma&Cos.
I can not speak English,well,I do not design, I can not use sewing machines. I can not do anything. I hated myself like that. But now I like myself who is a member of Ma&Cos!!🤭💄💗
I was able to come so far with the help of everyone. So, I will try my best to the last.
I am happy to be a member of Ma&Cos.♡ ♡

I can not say it is always shy, but I love everyone in Ma&Cos members💋💗Always thank you so much ~!!

It became long.

Believe in myself until the end, let 's do our best on everyone ~!!







9 days left!!




















Hello! I’m Amane in cast section.

I can’t believe there is only 9 days left...!Time fly so fast. 


Today I’ll write what I felt in MP. It’s kinda long but Im happy if you read it:)


 There are more than 100 people in MP, and all has unique and strong personalities. This makes everyday super fun and reasonable, but at the same time it also causes conflicts.  However, I think it’s unavoidable and necessary to create something seriously. It’s totally fine. We cannot be “one”, but what we have to do is to wish having a great stage! That should actually connect us in deep part and it’ll help us making one great stage. I believe!!

 I’m rude, positive, and sometimes really hates myself. But members always accepts me with a big smile. I feel their love and I can love myself bit by bit. Thank you to all the members who supports me in many ways. I really really love you all.


MP a just a beginning. 

We can start anything after the MP ends.


Thank you for reading!

See you again in the world of Oz!:)



Heeey! everyone!!

I'm Hal from Cast!

I can't believe it...We have only 7days by Load in...and gradually close to the end of MP life. Maybe this is the last time to write blog to me...

So I want to write personal things.


In the future I want to be professional actor.  The reason why I joined MP to learn professional skills from director and social advisor. And now I can learn a lot of things. 

But the most important things that I learned is perfectly not any professional skills. That is “Feel” and “who am I ?”

Firstly when I thought about my role I thought that how should I perform for the audience. Of course that is very important things. But finally my opinion was changed. 

“If you perform your role on stage, you have to connect “real you””

One day Mrs. Yoko from general manager said to me. And she said “because “the real”is strongest things in life and similarly when you perform your role”.

Recently when I perform my role, I try to feel myself and every person.

If you watch me on actual stage, you might be feel like “he is not suitable for the role because of too natural ” or “ because of too younger ” 

But this is me. And I am so glad if you feel like that. Because  I can feel that certainly I can perform myself on stage.


Talk and Listen”

This is a motto for MP.


Talk and Listen ” for me is “ To Feel myself"

to talk with my heart and to feel.


Thank you MP and Thank you everyone.




















"Talk and Listen"

これはMPのモットーで、創設者の故Richard A. Via氏の意思として今でも向け継がれているものです。








Do you believe in ghosts?


Can you add self introduction?
Hello!!! I’m MK or Kato, whatever... from Seppy.


Aren’t you guys too busy? I think audiences, most of which are our friends, also are too busy because they just starts their new life from April. Many of my friends just started to work from this April.
I hope that this musical makes them be in the totally different from the actual world! This show is going to be the best place to forget the real life.

同時に、MPに見にやって来るお客さんの多くが学校や会社などの新しい生活に追われて、私と同じように気持ちの余裕がなくなっているような気がした。新生活が始まってちょうど一ヶ月のゴールデンウィーク。このMPの舞台を通して、少しでもそのような感覚を取り戻してもらえればいいと考える。the Wiz は「目に見えないモノ」を見つける旅であり、「目に見えるモノ」がいつもと違うのように見える場所である。舞台セットを通して、現実の世界からそのような世界観にうまく誘えれば私も本望だ。



Time flies! I really hope the ending won't come:'(
These days we are separated in each section and concentrate on each job. Today lighting section made cue sheet for the performance :D

I'm super looking forward to seeing everyone shining on the stage!


cast, live musician, seppy, macos, sound, lighting それからcommittee もSTMsもADも、それぞれの楽しさや難しさと向き合いながら 準備を進めています
